How to add a review date to a piece of content in T4

This article will talk you through the steps of adding a review date to a piece of content in T4. Adding this will send an email alert to the content owner when the date is hit.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Click into your piece of content
  2. Go to the options tab
  3. Set the Review date field to the date/time you want the content to be reviewed
  4. Set the Content owner. Clicking the field will bring up a modal of users. Find the user you want the email alert to be sent to and click their name. NB there is currently a bug in T4 that if you set the content owner to a group the email alert isn't sent. With this in mind the content owner should always be set a person.
  5. Save your content. Once the content has been approved your email alert will be ready to go.