Publishing documents on the website

Historically we have published a very large volume of PDF documents on our website. This creates significant accessibility issues and directly causes us to fail to comply with the UK Accessibility Regulations 2018.

In order to meet our obligations of making our digital content accessible by everyone, all documents should be published following the guidance below.

  1. All content should exist on the website in HTML form (created as content on a page). The only exception to this should be where there are minutes of committees and module and programme specifications.

  2. If publishing some content as HTML on the website is not possible, then an accessible Word document should be published instead.

  3. If there is a specific circumstance where a PDF needs to be published, for example if you want to publish the PDF version of a magazine, this can be published using a service like Issuu. But this can only happen if that content is made available in a HTML format as well.