Open Day Forms and website process

  • Create the event in Gecko and sync to UAT. DO NOT sync to PROD at this point and then switch it off and on again as this will create a duplicate event  

  • Add the comms workflows to the event (using an existing test template email if they are not ready from Design) These should be as follows: 

- Immediate booking comm 

-1 Week reminder email   / condition = registered (see end of this guidance for details on how to add the countdown timer)

-1 Day reminder email  / condition = registered

-24 hours before text message  / condition = registered

-2 hours after follow up – attendees / condition = attended

-2 hours after follow up – non – attendees / condition = registered

For further guidance refer to a past open-day event in Gecko for clarification and/or this video.  

  • Add the event to UAT – D365 – Undergraduate Open Day form, use an existing UAT source campaign for UAT testing in this area (as previously instructed by CRM team – this is to avoid any duplicate event issues). You can update this in the form workflows under the CRM Integrations ‘values’ section

  • Access UAT Dynamics to check your contact and enquiry has come through as expected. There should be both a contact record that’s generated as well as an enquiry record, the latter should indicate the event they’ve booked for and their subject/course of choice etc  

  • Check the workflows in the event against the contact to ensure that all fields are ticked, however, you can expect one message not to have successfully synced here – this is due to using a UAT source campaign that doesn’t match the true event source campaign, this will be resolved once you have followed the next step 

  • Go to the event and remove any test contacts you have added so that they do not sync to the live area  

  • When you have finished testing in UAT get the event GUID from PROD Dynamics  (see linked video for details) Make sure the event type in PROD is set to ‘Open Day’

  • Add the GUID to PROD source campaign list in Gecko (under Field Options – D365 – PROD – Source Campaign) this needs to be identical in title to the export 

  • Go to the ‘advanced settings’ tab in the event, switch on the ‘sync event to Dynamics PROD option and switch off the ‘sync event to Dynamics UAT option’ 

  • Make sure that you have (at least) the immediate booking comm workflow added to the event with the correct email template. The others can be added at a later point if necessary  

  • Add the event to the D365- PROD – Undergraduate Open Day form 

  • Update the question ‘which Open Day would you like to attend?’ with the new date 

  • Add a condition to the event so that it only displays when the specific date is selected  

  • In the workflows tab on the form clone two of the existing CRM Integrations – for the Applied and Not applied sections. Make sure all workflows remain in Test Mode, turning this off will prevent people from receiving comms if they have booked more than once on the form 

  • In the cloned workflows swap out the conditions and add your new open day date and update the value at the bottom of the ‘Actions’ section to add the new source campaign  

  • Run ONE test into live PROD and check enquiry details are pulling through as well as contact preferences on contact record – once completed and checked request CRM manager remove the test entry from PROD Dynamics.  

  •   Update the relevant webpages in T4 and promo blocks (if necessary)

  • Create/clone a new event under the latest events section and update section config with new date, add review dates for when event ends 

  • Add new reporting sheet for the daily updates that factor total attendee count and breakdown between applicants and course/subject responses 

AVOID making tweaks to synchronised forms even slight wording edits after the newly added fields have already gone live will throw out your workflows and if these are missed at the time of change, you will need to retroactively go through and manually edit all responses with the updated field, then re-sync them to Dynamics and request CRM team remove the duplicate entries this creates.

Note: If you are using the existing open day UAT and PROD forms you should not need to change the form integrations to sync to PROD/UAT depending on the form as this should be already set, nor should you need to swap out the source campaign lists in the hidden form field. If for any reason you are using a new form you will need to manage this in the form - under the settings tab - integrations, as well as potentially swapping out/adding the hidden source campaign list.

To update the countdown timer in the trigger comms, please follow the settings as shown in the below screenshot and go to Countdown Mail


MicrosoftTeams-image (6).png



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