Process for archiving an event

The process for archiving an event is made up of 2 stages:

Stage 1 - when an event is moderated for go live

  1. Set the review date on the section config to the date/time the event needs to come down
  2. Set the content owner to the user Digital Support. It's important to set this to the user Digital Support, rather than the group. There is a bug in T4 where if a group is the content owner the email alert won't send.  To get around this we have a Digital Support moderator user account. The user will have moderator in the type column (see below)
  3. Save and approve, the options tab of your section config should look like this:

Stage 2 - when the review date is hit

  1. When the review date/time is hit an email notification will be sent to
  2. Click the link in the notification to find out what event it is, the breadcrumb will give you the path to the section and the section name
  3. Find the section in T4
  4. Mark the section as deleted, this will flag up anywhere on the site the event section is being linked to
  5. Update each of these section links as applicable; in some case you might need to remove the link or change the copy in other cases it may be fine just to leave the name of the event in the copy and just lose the link. You can ignore a section link within the Hero CTA of the section you're archiving.
  6. Once all the section links are updated, ensure the section you're archiving is set to approved
  7. Move to the events archive, which can be found under Home » » Site archive » Events archive

NB. if content for an event is required after an event this should be repurposed as a news article or case study depending on the scope and scale of the content.